Prior to week 1, when you sign up you have access to the following:
Introduction module
Allow me to introduce myself module
Week 1: The Bowspring formula
Learn what the Bowspring is and the formula that I will be teaching you through this course.
Week 2: Awaken Your Back-Body
Learn to engage the posterior chain of muscles and fascia in the Bowspring alignment. Learn to embody your lower back curve safely while enlisting your glutes! I will also be teaching you how to being to activate your butt from your feet!
Common Hand and Foot positions in the Bowspring
Week 3: Broaden your Wings, Tone your Arms
Learn to create more even strength and lightness through your hands, arms, shoulders
Introduction to Myofascia massage that remoulds your tissue that supports reshaping your body inside of its curves
Week 4: Ground your Roots
Invite a new way of relating to the lower part of your body. With a deeper understanding the role of your Roots, you will find new power and healing in your body. The Roots are our Lower back, hips, butt, legs, feet and toes.
Introduction to Myofasica releases for your body
Practical Applications module
Learn how to take this alignment into motion! How to stand, sit, walk, sleep positions, play with your kids or grand kids on the ground and much much more!
Week 5: Spools!
Narrow and Lengthen your belly and neck with a deeper understanding of the Spools of your body.
Let's review and Movement Snack classes
These are restorative Bowspring classes that support the ultimate relaxation!
Week 6: Crown of the Head and Face alignment
Learn how to extend up through the crown of your head while opening your pelvic floor so your spine tractions and where your eyes are focused and how that impacts your face.
Week 7: Putting it all together: Root to Rise
Week 8: Assimilation and Conclusion
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